Posted by: Jill @ lostonli | 04/07/2009

Ten on Tuesday – 10 Least Liked Foods


10 Least Liked Foods

  1. Peas
  2. Uni (raw sea urchin)
  3. Beer
  4. Liverwurst
  5. Black Licorice
  6. Beet salad with vinegar
  7. Brussel Sprouts (boiled)
  8. Green Beans (cooked)
  9. Lima Beans
  10. Hot Dogs

Ok I know beer isn’t actually a food, its a drink, but I really do hate it.  There really are few foods that I truly detest.  Even some of the ones on this list I can usually stand if they are cooked in something (peas, beer).  Some of them depend on preparation (green beans, brussel sprouts, hot dogs, beets). 

I want to do my best to not limit G’s diet based on my likes and dislikes, but its hard.  I smell some of the baby food that I give him (especially the veggies) and have a hard time feeding it to him.  His baby vitamins are the same way.  I detest the smell of them.  The face the poor kid makes when he takes them looks like I gave him his first shot of tequila on spring break.  I guess I have a hard time believing that something that smells and tastes so bad can really be good for you.       


  1. I’m not really much of a beer drinker either. My brother once told me it’s because I don’t know how to drink it and said I should hold my breath or something. I’m not sure why anyone would want to drink/eat anything you need to hold your nose while doing so.

  2. I love black licorice and hot dogs!

    I played too 🙂

  3. I too have lima beans on my list. Seems to be a common food on this list.

    Mine’s up…come on over!

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